This option currently is only available on the emulator. It is not available on the WFHUB and has nothing to do with the toggles in the TY&E options.
48hrs or more ahead of your rest days starting you must go into:
Option 26 (rest cycle inquiry)
Option 2 (override request maintenance)
Enter your B#, Employee ID and 4 digit password.
A spreadsheet will show up for your upcoming rest cycle days.
M is for markup, L is for layoff. If you want to be laid off or marked up certain days use the appropriate letter for those days.
In the top right is AGMT DFLT ( Agreement Default) and EMPL DFLT (Employee Default).
If you never want to take rest days put an M as your employee default and you will stay marked up and never be laid off unless you select certain days off you want to observe for your rest cycle.
rest cycle 26.jpg